Monday, August 10, 2015

In the Garden

    Happy Monday y'all! Today I wanted to show you how I styled some of the pieces from the Box of Style. I am wearing the scarf and the purse from the box in this minimalistic outfit with a fun pop.

   It was a perfect summer day in San Juan Batista, 75 with a cool breeze. I love walking through this historic town with its beautiful gardens, the landmark mission, and the cracking streets. San Juan is known for their antique fairs, as well as some great little shops and places to eat. We went for lunch and I may have eaten a little too much and got a food baby, (typical me).
   I love this maxi vest/top/dress from Forever 21. I originally bought it for the purpose of being a vest, but it looks great with a slip underneath it and a pop of color. It's made out of a nice lightweight cotton material, perfect for the stifling heat, or even if it is just a little warm. I paired it with my Mara Hoffman scarf to add a little bit of fun and make the outfit brighter. As always I wore my Zara sunglasses, that I have been wearing with floral or more stripes. I've never been much of a pattern mixer, but I love floral and stripes.
   I went simple with my accessories and did some simple silver and turquoise jewels, my favorite combo! Hopefully you have a good start to your week and enjoyed this post :)

Xoxo  -Peyton



Dress/maxi vest: Forever 21
Scarf: Mara Hoffman
Bag: Cambridge Satchel Company
Sandals: Target
Big Ring: Forever 21
Big bracelet: H&M
Silver bracelet: Vintage
Sunnies: Zara

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